четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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I saw the debate last night. Crazy. For a couple minutes I thought, I could be president of the United States.� I am a naturally leader of the people that surround me and I can sway ALMOST anyone with my words.� I think those are the main things you need, all I would have to do is sit down for 6 months and study all this economyhealthcaretaxcutenergy policy stuff and Iapos;d be alright.� I wonder who would vote for me?� I am pretty stubborn and I can be a little radical when it comes to certain topics.. I take that back.. I used to be radical about things, lately (the past few years) Iapos;ve been open to other peoples opinions.

Opinions, Iapos;ve always wanted to explain my theory on this but I donapos;t believe anyone wants to hear it, thatapos;s why I have you live journal Anyway, we have a debate.. Usually(most of the time) it is one person arguing their opinion versus another.� My view of it all is, there is no right or wrong, just who is able to get the other to go along with their opinion.� I debate with people all the time that continually yell the phrase "Youapos;re not right Joe" at me.. And if they are observant, they realize I laugh everytime.� Again, going back to the fact that there is no right or wrong, its all about the presentation of our opinion in order to get the other party to agree with us. I donapos;t know why people get angry when the other person doesnapos;t agree with them, itapos;s never made sense to me and probably never will. Yes, it may not be going the way you want it to.. But in the end.. Itapos;s just your opinion.. Nobody even has to listen.. So be happy your even being able to express it to someone.

Now, there is another scenario which puts fact against opinion.. Simple solution... LOOK�IT�UP end of that one.

Then there is always the debate of fact versus the same�fact.. I love those.. You get so caught up in making your point clear(cause you know youapos;re defending a fact) that you donapos;t realize you are being defending the same side.. So after bouncing points off of eachother for hours you finally look it up and realize you were both arguing the same point but worded differently.� That usually leads to each person admitting that itapos;s the same... Awkward silence for 5 minutes.. Then drinkin begins. All a happy ending after that one.

There was�the occasions where I would oppose fact, when I knew I wasnapos;t right, and I would win, however�in fairness�to other people I�havenapos;t played that�game for a couple years, and probably wonapos;t every(unless Iapos;m feeling really playful.�That, to be honest, is what a good lawyer is, take OJ for example.. Everything in that court room pointed to him as being the killer.. Johnny knew it.. But he still managed to oppose fact and free his client, thatapos;s skill.

Haha, well with ALL that said. Vote for me
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