четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

colonial williamsburg review

I am just having the worst week ever.
mum leaves tomorrow and seriously, the family is gonna suffer.�
how can anyone live without their mums for a whole month? i just donapos;t see how iapos;m gonna be able to take that.�

ugh. And i got my class schedule today AND�THE�SCHOOL�MESSED�UP�MY�CDS�CHOICE AND�NOW�I�HAVE�NO�CDS. Frankly, it stresses me out to no end. Usually iapos;ll be like " ack�i need to talk to someone about this" but because of the week i had, itapos;s like "OH�MY�GOSH.�WHHHY�MEEEE?�DAMN�YOU�BITCH�(computer system)�I�HAAATEEEE�YOU".

i lost my phone charger and my phone is shit. Thought iapos;d just throw in all the CRAP iapos;ve had to deal with. NOT forgetting the fact that i will be practically broke for the next month because my dad will refuse to give me a decent allowance. It PAINS�him to know that i need more than $10 to get through the week�

i donapos;t want this right now.�

david meerman scott, colonial williamsburg review, colonial williamsburg reviews, colonial williamsburg shop, colonial williamsburg shopping.

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