понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

business process outsourcing publication

Wow... What a couple of months... Hereapos;s to each of you... And I can pretty much guarantee youapos;ll know who you are...
  • I�wish you would get it. I�really do. I�donapos;t want to be the bitch anymore�Iapos;m trying to explain things to you in a way that you will finally fucking understand, but I�can only say things so many times before I�just want to scream at you�I know that itapos;s hard to hear some of the things I�have said to you... But think of it from my point of view. How would you feel if you had these things to say to someone, but they wouldnapos;t get it... No matter how many times you said it over and over again? I�want you to know itapos;s not someone else... I�wouldnapos;t be that shady about it, no matter how much you may disagree. The feeling just isnapos;t there anymore. I�hope you are able to let go, so you can start the healing process and move on. Itapos;s what is best for the both of us.
  • You make me sick to my stomach. I�really really hope you never come to me with your relationship issues again, because at this point, I�would probably slap you across the damn face. Weather you realize it or not, I�am ALWAYS going to care about you... I�canapos;t help it, and itapos;s not something I�can help. Itapos;s just there. And to see you get hurt over and over and over, and to continue RUNNING�back... Makes me sick to my stomach. I�know how hard it is... Trust me I�do. But, I also know that it is completely not like you at all to give out a second chance to anyone... Let alone a third, fourth, and however many more she wants. Iapos;m in damn near the same boat you are, and I�know the pain that you feel looking into that childapos;s eyes and seeing the hurt... But itapos;s for the best to move on, and allow yourself to be happy so you can be the father for her that she deserves... The one you never had.
  • You need to learn how to watch your mouth. I�know that in your mind, you can say whatever you want about someone to your "friends" and itapos;s not going to get back to the person youapos;re talking about... But it does. EVERY�FUCKING�TIME. And itapos;s not because people are "stabbing you in the back"�and "betraying your trust"... Itapos;s because everyone is sick of your shit, and we like to know what is being said about us�It is honestly past the stage of confronting you about it, because every time itapos;s the same damn thing... "youapos;re going to believe them over me?�They donapos;t even really like you... You should hear what they said to me..."�and the whole vicious cycle starts again. So, instead of putting up with it and pretending everything is all right, people are FINALLY�doing what should have been done a long ass time ago... Walking away. I really hope that you end up happy with whatever you do... I�think that deep down, you really are a nice and caring girl... I�just think that you have a lot of issues you have to clear up.
  • Ummm.... So I�love you. I�am so glad that we have started hanging out more�You always cheer me up�You know how I�feel about mr. Cocky, but I trust your judgement in him... You know him better than any of us do, and I�really hope that you make the right choice, cuz you deserve to be treated the best�
  • You are so so so much fun to hang out with�Iapos;m sorry that the last couple times weapos;ve hung out have kinda ended on a sour note, but these things have a tendency to happen when alcohol is involved�He loves you... More than you know... And everything will work out exactly how itapos;s supposed to�
Hmm... I�think that might be everything for now... Just needed to get it all out�

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